Monday, January 25, 2010

Who wants to be a millionaire?

ME! That's right. And I will too once I invent a cough/cold/sinus medicine that any paranoid pregnant woman can take. The plague had descended on the Johnson household. All 3 of us have been sick this past week with sinusy yucky colds. Emma's kicked her asthma into overdrive so I had to keep her home two days last week for round the clock asthma treatments, but luckily Jeremy was kind enough to not fall flat on his face with the plague until today.

He got up at 4 am to go to work and yours truly was up to blow my nose and take some tylenol (THE only medicine I feel comfortable taking while pregnant) to help with the sinus migraine. I promptly got back into our lovely new bed (pics to come later) and was woke back up around 5am to the sound of a door closing and someone walking around in the kitchen. Um, that's not right. So I did what any sane mother home alone with her child would do-I grabbed my cell phone, punched in 911 and had my finger hovering over the send button, grabbed my handy-dandy 9mm handgun in the other and went to investigate. Luckily for my surprised hubby I'm not trigger happy because he had turned around and come back too sick to work. Instead of a shot to the chest (I'm wicked accurate) he got a good scolding for scaring 10 years off my life! Geez! Needless to say I couldn't go back to sleep after that debacle.

I think Emma and I are on the upside of the cold; she went back to daycare today and my nose no longer drips like a faucet. Minor improvement on my part but welcome nonetheless.

I scored this little baby from work on Friday thanks to a perfect safety record in 2009: a TomTom gps. Congrats to me for not getting any paper cuts or falling out of my desk chair once! Just kidding. I'm not out on the tracks everyday like a lot of our people but I do have to go to a lot of job/construction sites and I do work around the tracks a lot with track engineering/layouts, etc. So I guess for a white-hat (nickname given to all management due to the fact that we are distinguished from other RR employees by a white safety hat-sexy I know) I've done alright.
I had bought Jeremy a GPS two years ago but never had it handy for myself when I desperately needed it, i.e. in the boonies of southeast AR trying to find a particular greenfield site for a customer. Yeah. So I'm really loving having one of my own. Now if I can just figure out how to trade in the mechanical chick voice for a hot guy voice with a British accent or something I'll be set!
In baby news, Justin and Brittany have found out the sex of their baby, but I'm not allowed to tell yet. B has the inside scoop due to an aunt who can do ultrasounds but her official u/s from the doc isn't until Feb 2. (Mollie get ready for some baby orders!) Mine is Feb 3 and I'm feeling another girl. Jeremy is going to be totally outnumbered. He's still suffering from shock at the fact that Emma said out of the blue yesterday "Mama, I need to go shopping". Aah, I've trained my little grasshopper well. Growing up with all boys he is not prepared for the girliness. I watched laughing hysterically as he tried 3 times yesterday to do Emma's ponytail. So wish I had the camera so I could have shared the first two misattempts!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Are we still in Arkansas?

What is with this weather lately? Don't get me wrong, I LOVE cold weather. Give me single digit temperatures and I'm a happy girl. But we don't normally get this in Arkansas. And, in my opinion if we're going to suffer single digit temperatures we should at LEAST get some real snow out of the deal. Poor little Emma thinks the small flurries we got a week ago was real live snow. Boy is she going to be disappointed when she gets a little bigger and discovers the truth!

Never the less, I took her outside and we played in the 1 centimeter of snow. She had a blast so I guess that's all that matters.

I kept laughing at her becuase she didn't want to keep her gloves on but she got mad when she actually touched the snow with her bare hands. "Yucky mommy!" Then when she looked down and saw snow on her boots she had a meltdown- "Mommy! MOMMY! My boots are dirty! Fix it!" Got to love a child who knows how to take care of her shoes!

Last weekend Jeremy and I celebrated our 7 year anniversay, better late than never right?! Since he had to work on Saturday we opted for something close to home and rented a cabin on Lake Catherine for the night. My in-laws pipes were frozen so they were more than happy to stay at our house with Emma for the night and enjoy indoor plumbing and water.

Jeremy is huge on camping and outdoor activities, I am to a lesser extent (and by lesser I mean not in the middle of summer when its miserable outside and so long as the bugs stay away from me) so I knew he would get a kick out of our little overnight excursion. I was pleasantly surprised at the cabins, small but very cozy. We explored outside for a little while and then plopped down in front of the fire to watch some movies. I cannot tell you how long its been since we watched a whole movie with no interruptions. Wait, I can tell you! 2 years and 2 months! Ha!

The following morning was beautiful outside and I took some other pictures and just sat on our screened in porch or the swing by the lake for about an hour. In the freezing cold. Apparently we had some neighbors show up late the night before and I'm sure they thought I was nuts because I could see them peeking out the window.

And although I promised Jeremy I would not show all of his failed attempts let me just say that it took 5 tries to get this one semi-good picture. 5. Every time he would take the picture his eyes would be closed. Every time! By the time we actually got this picture I was laughing so hard that I was crying. It was the Johnson Curse at work. No Johnson male can seem to take a picture with their eyes open on the first try. Ever.

We had a lot of fun and have even decided to rent a cabin again when the weather warms up a little and bring Emma Lou with us. There's tons of stuff for her to do outdoors and we really think she'll like it. Best part- they have pet friendly cabins too so if we have to bring the four legged fatties we can. Speaking of fatties I need to post a picture of Rosie-she literally looks like a barrel with legs. I think I have the only beagle on earth that is supposed to weigh 25 pounds but is pushing 50. All doggie diets have failed miserably.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Time Warp

Where oh where did the time go? I just realized I still have not blogged about Christmas, oops. How about we just say I did, huh? It feels a little lame to blog about Christmas the 2nd week of January . . . so I'm going to assume most of you saw my pics on facebook and can imagine the day for yourselves. Suffice to say Emma now adores Santa Claus and I'm still trying to find a way to fit all of her stuff into the house. One other quick note- orange juice and a new laptop do not mix.

Christmas Day-Jeremy opens his brand new laptop from yours truly.

20 minutes later- Emma spills orange juice all over the keyboard.

Two days later- I spend $400 more than I originally spent to replace it at Best Buy because of course they do not have super deals going after Christmas.

Now- Broke as a joke. Sigh.

During December I decided to be frivolous and spend some of my Christmas bonus money from work on this little baby: a Nikon D3000 camera. I bought a package deal that included the camera, 2 lenses, and a case. Aaah. I love taking pictures so I've been lusting after a nice DSLR for some time. When Best Buy put this little beauty on special it was just meant to be. Now I just have to figure out how to work all the little bells and whistles and how to splurge on the other lens I want and the external flash. I feel a photography class in my future.
I was responsible with my Christmas bonus as well; I paid off a lingering hospital bill from one of Emma's asthma stays, bought Christmas presents, and paid the ob-gyn bill for the yet to be born baby #2. God bless Christmas bonus money! Jeremy also got a Christmas bonus and spent his on a new Trek road bike. My hubby is quite the Lance Armstrong these days; first a mountain bike last December and now the road bike. No, I have not been up a mountain lately after the last disastrous ride, but I have ridden my bike some. Safety first with Baby #2 on board! And, for those inquiring minds that want to know, Jeremy does have some spiffy spandex bicycle shorts that he wears when he rides. But he mans them up by wearing something over them. And after riding myself I totally see why padded shorts are necessary- I mean is anyone's butt seriously small enough to fit on those skinny little seats comfortably?!
Jeremy and I were officially married 7 years on January 4th! Yay us! We have actually been together 11 years if you count the dating period. That's a super long time folks; 60% of my life has been with Jeremy. He's a great hubby and the best daddy ever. Since our anniversary fell on a Monday, and Emma was sick, we're going to celebrate this weekend by renting a cabin at the lake on Saturday night while Em stays with MeMe and PopPop. A cold night, roaring fire, movies and popcorn= romance central baby!
Now that my morning sickness is almost completely gone I can actually think about romance again! Ha! Speaking of Baby #2, I have officially graduated to about 50% maternity clothes in week 15. This is much sooner than with Emma; I was in month 5 before I had to resort to maternity clothes. Oh well. My vanity demanded that I break out the maternity clothes so that I would look more pregnant as opposed to just fat. It's amazing how many people will think you're just packing on the pounds when you wear normal clothes, but break out the maternity shirts and you instantly go from fat to pregnant.