Now that I'm a mommy Mother's Day has become one of my favorite holidays. And not just because the hubs has FINALLY broken his hard and fast rule of "no jewelry for Stephanie" but because I am just so very blessed to have Emma in my life and am looking forward to baby Seeley. 7.5 weeks to go!!
Jeremy has apparently decided to start his own tradition regarding my Mother's Day gifts- take Stephanie to the jewelry store and let her pick out her own present. Hey, I'm not complaining! This year I got this little babies:
I forgot to take an actual picture of my earrings but this is the stock photo from the jewelry store website. Yay me! I have been lusting over some classic and chic diamond stud earrings for quite some time now. Aaaah, can you hear my contentment? And bless the hubs, as we were leaving the store he asked me "Are they big enough? We can go back and get bigger if you want-I know I don't buy you jewelry very often and you deserve it." Just one of the thousands of reasons why I love him. (And no we did not go back-I'm thrilled and pleased with the ones I have thank-you-very-much.)
It was especially sweet this year because Emma was so excited to be jewelry shopping she kept telling Jeremy and I "I need some earrings too. Just like Mommy." Got to start them young I always say. I scolded Jeremy (again) for not letting me pierce her ears when she was younger. She oohed and aaahed over my earrings and told me I was beautiful in them. Could I have a sweeter kiddo or what?!
And also per Johnson family tradition-Jeremy and Emma made my Mother's Day card as well. And I forgot to take a picture. Again.
By the end of the day Emma was in the groove of saying "Happy Mother's Day" with very little coaching. She said it to me at least 20 times and followed it up with hugs and kisses. MeMe, Nanny, Aunt Holly, Aunt B and even Daddy and Pop Pop got "Happy Mother's Day"ed a few times. Such a sweetheart.
If Seeley is even half as wonderful as Emma the hubs and I may just have to buy a church bus to cart around all the kiddos we'll be having! Ha!