Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Catching Up

Where, oh where, has December gone? Where has 2010 gone for that matter? A "Catch Up" post is necessary.

Emma's Christmas program at daycare. She sang Jingle Bells for two weeks straight prior to this. Everywhere we went she was singing Jingle Bells, only it sounded like Giingule Beullllllls. She has developed this very pronounced Southern drawl and is cracking me up with it as I simultaneously try to nip it in the bud.
The adorable boy in the cap is Em's "boyfriend", Travin. They hold hands when they walk down the hallway together. Hubs is worried. (Travin is the son of a friend from high school and we both think it is hilarious and adorable.)

I took vacation time the week of Christmas and had all these plans for getting stuff done around the house-nada. Accomplished absolutely nothing, but I had fun with the kiddos!

Seeley STILL has an ear infection. Pediatrician says if this third round of antibiotics doesn't knock it out we're ENT bound. Yippie. I was really hoping Mr. Big wouldn't follow in his sister's footsteps and need tubes in his ears. Cross your fingers!

Christmas!!Jeremy just sighed and asked me when I would stop dressing the kids alike.

Santa Hubs was good to me this year.
(Not pictured is a gorgeous new watch to go with my other goodies.)

Jessica Simpson Ruffle Me HoboTOMS gray canvas

My mom also helped me out with my storage space problem. Best solution ever!! This baby holds 3500 books and is the new love of my life. Perfect gift for a book worm.
Baby Weight Loss Weigh In:
13 pounds to go to pre-Seeley weight. Stupid holidays and their stupid chocolately desserts.

12 MORE pounds to go to pre-Emma weight.

14 ADDITIONAL pounds to go to pre-marriage weight.

That's right-39 pounds. Yikes. I'll take your prayers now.

Coming events in the Johnson household:

Possible New Year's Eve party attendance
8 Year Wedding Anniversary

Stay Tuned!!

Friday, December 17, 2010


A little ditty on how the past few days have gone at the Johnson Zoo . . . .

On the 12th day of Sick-mas my kiddos gave to me

12 Explosive Diapers

11 Sick Buckets

Hours of Dora (!)

Bouts of Crying

Clothes a Changing

Painful Bruises

Fights over Medicine

5 Poopie Baths

Trips to the Doctor

Ear Infections

Missed Days From Work

And A Stinky Mommy With No Sleep!!

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Catching Up

So I'm still catching up from my blogging absence. Things have been super crazy at work and since I have absolutely no spare time at home to blog, guess what that means! Crazy work= no blog. I'm getting my priorities straight though and trying to put blogging back on the "to-do" list since I've had some complaints, not to name any names but you know who you are! :)

Santa Train on our Hot Springs branch was its normal adventure and chaos. Remind me again why I subject myself to being the person in charge of this year after year? Oh, the kids. Riiight. This year Emma was super excited about it and begged to ride on the train. Since Jeremy decided to take a break from engineering the train this year he brought the kids to one of the stops and we all got on for a quick ride. Justin, B, and Parker rode with us and so did my good friend from high school Leslie and her adorable little boy Lyric. (I've decided that this is a new tradition for Leslie and I-riding the train with the kids. This is the 2nd year in a row and Lyric absolutely LOVED it!)

I coerced two of our MOW employees (maintenance of way-they do all the work on the track) into being elves and it was AWESOME!! I absolutely love any man who is secure enough to let me dress him up. They were even willing to wear tights but I couldn't find any at the last minute . . .there's always next year! They kept referring to the candy canes as their pimp canes . . .

Seeley thought Elmo the Elf was super, Em was not so sure. Elmo is his real name, swear.

And this is the BEST Santa and Mrs. Claus in the world. Brian retired from AKMD 6 years ago but still comes back to do Santa at one of the stops-14 years in a row! He and his wife are the sweetest couple and spent the whole train ride talking with the kids. Emma was so fascinated-she didn't hesitate to jump on Santa's lap. Her wish list from Santa is a baby doll, specifically the Baby Alive doll wearing purple pajamas) and a Tinkerbell dollhouse.

And since I always get asked the question about 100 times each year- the Santa Train is not a passenger excursion. There's only one way you get to ride on the train . . .you gotta know me! Ha! It's nice to have a little power trip once a year! LOL

I think I may have inadvertently caused a problem though because Emma now insists that Santa travels via "mommy's train". He absolutely does not ride a sleigh and she will argue with you about it until she's blue in the face. Whoops. I guess we'll work on the whole sleigh and reindeer concept next year!

We've hit a few bumps this month as well. Poor Seeley still has an ear infection. We're working on round 3 of antibiotics to try and clear it up. I have a call out to the pediatricians office as we speak to discuss the side effects of this latest antibiotic; mommy is not real thrilled with the way it is upsetting his stomach. I can only take being covered in diaper leakage so many times in one week . . . .not to mention the worry about dehydration. Hello pedialyte!

Also found out I may need surgery. Super. I'll know more by the end of January but more than likely I'll get to have an outpatient procedure during February or March. This does not make mommy happy either-I have this outrageous fear of needles. Having my blood drawn causes me to faint and IV's are pure hell. Ugggh!

On the bright side-Only 11 more days until Christmas! Yay!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A month later . . .

Yes, I'm finally getting around to posting about Em's Mickey Mouse party. Sad right? I also haven't written anything in Seeley's baby book since his first day in the hospital-Shhhh!

I decided to be a good mommy this year and let Emma pick out the theme for her birthday party-after much debate between Tinkerbell, Disney princesses and Mickey Mouse we finally had a winner. Since our house is not quite large enough to accommodate a crowd we decided to have her party at a church in Hot Springs. I know that sounds weird, but this huge church has the cutest little playroom and they rent it out for parties. There's a great area to have the cake/refreshments and the play area is completely enclosed so the kids can't escape. Perfect! (Quick side note here- I rented the area for 2 hours and felt beyond rushed. The next destination birthday will involve a longer rent time on the room.)

The color scheme was based on this shirt, which I found on Etsy. (You know how I love me some zebra print!) You can't see it in the pictures but she has a pair of black leggings on under the tunic length shirt and red glitter "Dorothy" shoes. I so heart Target! A local girl that is on Facebook made matching hairbows for me.
Decorations/Food:The table looks a little empty and the balloons are all in one giant cluster, but I just flat ran out of time to do anything more. (Rent the room for 3 hours!!) I made the Mickey Mouse heads out of Styrofoam, scrapbook paper, and spray glitter. I now want to spray glitter EVERYTHING! It's addicting.
I made the cupcake toppers to go with the zebra/red/black color theme.

Peanut butter cookies with icing and edible Mickey Mouse Clubhouse designs. Super yummy!

It's a little hard to see, but these are chocolate Mickey Mouse head lollipops. Soooo easy to make!

Presents! (I love Baylie's face in the background. Mollie- I think she needs one of these Dora dollhouses for Christmas!)
Taking turns going down the treehouse slide!Seeley was even sporting a Mickey Mouse shirt courtesy of Personally Stitched. Sorry I didn't get a better picture of it Mollie! And yes, Jeremy just rolled his eyes at the matchy-matchy stuff.

We got her a Dora jeep! As you can tell she was way too excited and insisted on giving all of her friends rides. She still hasn't quite grasped the concept of reverse though. If she runs into something she still yells for me or Jeremy to come and help her.

Happy to be 3!