Wednesday, October 5, 2011

failure with a capital F

Major fail. I just realized it has been over a month since I've blogged. Oops. If it were still the 90's I would say "my bad." Since its not, I'll refrain.

You may have noticed that most of my blogging occurs during business hours . . .shhhh. By the time I get home, cook dinner, bathe kids, put them to bed, pick up the house-well you get the picture that my free time is limited. So, I'll typically squeeze in 15 minutes here or there at work to post. But work has been so super crazy the past month that I haven't had time. I've been sitting down and doing more work after the kids go to bed at night just to get caught up. Ugh. I'm finally starting to see the light at the end of my endless work inspired to-do list so I figured I'd take a few minutes to let everyone know I was still alive.

So here's what's happened in the last month:

Gymnastics meet! Em is getting really good. We are buying her a trampoline for her birthday so she can practice her flips and stuff without the hard landings. :)

Razorback season! Hubs and I actually went to our first game in two years; we were having withdrawals. This was the game on Sept 10 and all of the fans wore red, white, and blue to create a flag out of the stadium in honor of 9/11.

This is how we show some Hogs love when watching from home. What's not to love about a chihuahau in a Hogs costume, right? He was so humiliated, you could just tell.

Hubs turned 32. And did not care whatsoever that he is slowly creeping closer to his mid thirties and would absolutly not allow any pictures or parties. Even threatened my life when I joked about having the waiters sing to him during his birthday dinner at his fav restaurant. He makes it so hard to party for his special day!

I'm still freaking out about almost being 30. He shows no sympathy.

Add another work trip to the mix, Atlanta this time, plus some home projects and it's been a crazy month.

I promise we'll be less boring soon. There's a Halloween party coming up plus Emma's birthday. Stay tuned!