Dear Emma,
You've had several big months little girl! I can't believe that you turned 4 last month; I keep asking myself where the time has gone. This year you had very specific ideas about your birthday- what kind of party you wanted (Jake and the Neverland Pirates), what friends you wanted to invite, and especially on what presents you wanted. Rollerskates were requested, but not received, and you have reminded me of that fact DAILY.
My sweet girl, you need to face the fact that you are clumsy like Mommy.
Skates + a clumsy 4 year old = disaster.
I'm just sayin.
You and your sweet friend Ramsey at your birthday party. |
Playing with Allie. |
Convincing Seeley to come and play with the big kids. |
You're 4!!! |
Mommy and Daddy got you a trampoline for your birthday so that you could practice your gymnastics more often. You LOVE gymnastics, but still get a little scared about falling and getting hurt. Since you got the trampoline you've been practicing really hard on your cartwheels and are doing such a good job! Mrs. Bethany says you've improved a lot. You actually received your trampoline a few days early because we couldn't hide the fact that Daddy and Uncle Brian were putting it together in the back yard. You have a stellar eagle eye.
We've also spent a lot of time talking about things that big girls do by themselves when they turn 4. Like wipe their own bottom. You proudly told Uncle Brian that when you turn 4 you'll "wipe my own butt." He almost fell off the trampoline he was laughing so hard. You've also started going to bed by yourself for the most part. Sometimes you still like Mommy or Daddy to lay down with you though. Daddy is usually the one who caves into this demand the most. You've also gotten really good at saying your prayers all by yourself.
You've also decided that Christmas lights are the best thing ever. Not that they weren't awesome before, but now they're apparently really awesome. You flat wore us out running all over Garvan Woodland Gardens. And Seeley was right there with you, trying to keep up.
Christmas lights at Garvan Woodland Gardens.
I love watching you with Seeley. You are the BEST big sister ever. You are so patient with him, sharing your snacks and toys. You're so good to involve him in the games you're playing. Although Daddy does tend to worry when he sees you and Seeley having tea parties and pushing baby strollers so much. Some manly nonsense about boys and baby dolls. :)
Seeley just adores you. At bedtime he rushes to your room and climbs on your bed so that he can hug you and tell you "night night".
Life isn't always perfect though. I've lost count of the times when I hear you scream "Mama! Seeley just hit me!" Usually this happens when you both want the same toy and he tries to beat you into submission, or when you're doing your own thing and he wants your attention.
We also discovered that you are well on your way to being a genius. Or at least I think so anyway. Mommy has been practicing writing your name with you, 5 minutes here and there as time allowed. Imagine my surprise when you just started writing it all by yourself. Really well. I assumed that Mrs. Melba or Mrs. Michelle had been working with you too at school, but no. They said they just saw you doing it one day and were so excited that they started clapping, jumping up and down, and yelling for you right in the middle of class. You are the only one in your class who can write your name. How awesome are you?!
Mommy is so very proud of you, every day, all day. Even when you're being a stinky butt.