Monday, May 24, 2010

It's Raining Gifts!

Two weekends ago my church showered us up right. I know it sounds weird, but it really just doesn't feel like you're having a baby until you start getting all the little clothes and things and putting in their room. Forget the aches, pains, and soccer practice going on in your tummy- you're not really having a baby until you get the little outfits and booties! Ha!

The hard drive in my laptop crashed so I'll have to go back and download a bunch of the shower pictures AGAIN, but for now I still have some pretty good shots that will have to do. My OCD is not going to let me go one more day without catching up on my blogging!

Emma was such a big helper! She was super excited about "Seeley's Party". The other pregnant girl in the pics is my sis-in-law Brittany. She's also having a boy-Parker Ryan. AND, he's due on the same day as Seeley-July 2nd. And no. We did not plan this. And yes. I know it's kind of weird.

Some of my very favorite things I received were monogrammed by one of my dearest friends in the world, Mollie. Her monogramming business can be found on facebook or on her website She does some of the most amazing stuff-check it out! Just a few examples of the awesome stuff Baby Seeley will be sporting courtesy of Mollie:
Can you stand the cuteness! And just when I despaired of ever finding anything cute for little boys! And of course we got tons of other stuff from Mollie and others but thanks to my computer issues I'll have to track those pics down! Grrr.

Only downside to the whole shower- I was sweating like a pig the entire time. Seriously. Only side-effect of pregnancy that really annoys me. I can't even get ready in the morning without sweating and wanting to rip my clothes off! Too much information huh?

Also, Emma Lou got a new pet last week- a kitten. My cat of 12 years disappeared and Emma has been having a cow for a kitty. So, one of the teachers at preschool had a kitten that had hitched a ride to work with her one morning and once Em saw this kitten it was all downhill. I mean really, how do you say no to that face? She is so thrilled with her kitty and it is so cute to watch her play with it. Due to her asthma it doesn't stay in the house but I do let it come in and play with her. We're still working on teaching her that Socks does not like to be put in a choke hold or carried upside down. She's super gentle with her but sometimes just doesn't realize that kitty can't breathe! Oh, and thanks to kitty I've had to take one of my silk curtains to the dry cleaners. Poop does not come out of silk very easily in case you were wondering.
Tonight we'll be picking up Jeremy's Father's Day gift. Ever since his lab died last year he has thought off and on about getting another dog. And yes, we still have 11 dogs. But this was HIS dog if you know what I mean. He had her for 11 years and she was by far one of the best dogs we've ever had. Yesterday he found a chocolate lab female puppy and fell in love with her. So, we'll be picking her up tonight and adding her to the Zoo.
The nursery is 99% finished. So, pics to come soon. Promise! I'm so excited for everyone to see it because we've worked so hard on it and I've done a lot of the art, etc myself. I think we are overcompensating since it has taken us so long to get it ready! AND, according to my doc he may schedule for me to deliver Seeley a week early. At the very least he won't let me go past my due date b/c he's a little concerned that if the baby gets too big I'll tear during delivery like I did with Emma. Massive tearing. So, although that was probably way more than you wanted to know I'm super psyched about it. However, I think I may have to ask him to wait until July 1 because Eclipse (Twilight Saga) comes out in theaters on June 30th. Mommy really needs to see that movie!!


Mollie said...

Just so you know, I was sweating like a pig at your shower too. It was blazing hot! so did not tell me today about the new kitten!

Brittany Schwaigert said...

Oh--there are SO many cute boy clothes these days! I swear that Greyson's entire wardrobe is Target/Old Navy/Children's place. Boy clothes have definitely improved lately!

dave and jenn said...

Haha - I love that you are going to schedule it around the Eclipse movie.

I love the picture of you and Emma!