Mr. Big is 1 !!!
We celebrated Seeley's 1st Birthday this past weekend with a circus themed outdoor party. Since his daddy's first birthday party was a circus theme I thought it only fitting to start a tradition. :) Although I've decided that any future June birthdays will be celebrated indoors or near a pool; June in AR can be fierce, even at 6pm!
The birthday boy!
All of the decorations were printed out and made by yours truly from a PDF I purchased from one of my favorite Etsy sellers, Dimpleprints. Check them out. Seriously.
My original genius idea was to create an actual tent entrace here with the banner on the "inside" of the open tent flaps. As you can see it was a no go. 100 degrees plus an alternate location where I couldn't practice the setup. Ugh. I still like the striped fabric though! The hubs swore that if I sent him after more curtain rings we were heading for a divorce! :) My perfectionism drives him nuts at times, bless his heart.
Parting gifts! Tent cups for the kiddos and stamped linen bags full of animal crackers for all.
Each bag was stamped with a tent and Seeley's name. Thank you tags say "Thanks for a roaring good time!"
The food table was a little challenging thanks to the wind, it was hard to keep the decorations in place.
Emma dropped some peanuts and was kindly putting them back in the buckets to be served. After she licked them of course! :) I threw that batch out, promise. There were also animal crackers and corn dogs with condiments.
Steph, you did such an amazing job! I am going to have to hire you for Jade's birthday parties, because I don't know if I will be nearly as creative. I'm so impressed!
Cute party! G's first bday was a circus too. I heart Dimpleprints too!
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