Friday, June 1, 2012


Here lately the ol' blog has been bumped down in the priority list, and its got good company.  Other things that have been dumped at the bottom of my "to-do" list include: pedicures, sleep, hair maintenance, craft projects. . .  sigh.  Basically anything to do with personal favs and preferences. LOL. We have just been crazy busy!

This is one reason:

T-ball and softball have taken over our weeknights and lives.  We're at the ball fields three days a week; Emma plays twice a week and Jeremy helps coach, and hubs plays one night a week.  I'm actually a little jealous because I wanted to play softball too this year but couldn't swing it because of my summer class. (Which is yet another reason I have no time for anything fun.) But it's ok. Hubs' team is a little accident prone.  I'm thinking I need to join a different team.  Then I can kick his butt and gloat about it. (Yes, competition plays a major role in our marriage.)
Did I mention I have a summer class too?  Ugh.  Two nights a week from 6pm-10pm.  This girl hasn't gotten into bed before Midnight in over a month.  The bags under my eyes think it has been closer to two months but my poor brain is too confused to argue about it.

Work has also been really busy.  Which is awesome, but here lately I've been working straight through lunch. Which means no gym, and this mama needs some gym time to cope with stress.  So I've promised myself that in June the gym will be bumped up the priority list again.  I'm also thinking about buying a little seat for my bike so that Seeley can go with me on bike rides.  Sounds like a good way to get some exercise and little-man time all at once, so we'll see.

Spring cleaning fever also hit me this month.  Better late than never right?  I'm feeling super accomplished.  I bleached the white siding on our house so that it sparkles. (FYI- I loathe white siding. It is evil and getting painted asap.)  For the first time in 7 years I washed the outside windows. LOL. It's amazing what a difference that made! Did some painting outside on our front door and shutters, painted the utility room, and did some landscaping.  Go me!

One major upcoming change in our house is that the hubs is going back to school.  He's talked about being an RN for YEARS, especially with all of Emma's health issues, but never pulled the trigger.  I finally told him the other day to suck it up and go.  So kind and loving of me right?!

Yes, it will suck for three years while he goes to school full-time and works part-time. 
Yes, homework is hell after being out of school for a while. 
Yes, we'll have to do some extra juggling between homework, school, work, and kids. 
Yes, we'll have to forego some "extras" while he's in school (bye-bye Hogs tickets).
 BUT, it will be worth it in the end. 

So, as we speak he's signing up for classes and taking his entrance exam for the nursing program.  I'm super proud of him and praying that one of his classes is "bedside manor."  LOL. 

Letters for the kids to come soon.  I hope. :)

1 comment:

dave and jenn said...

Well, on the bright side, you got some great pics of the kiddos! And that is awesome about Jeremy!

I can't imagine having a summer class at night. And till 10? Yikes!!