Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I'm Baaaaack!

Yes, it's been a very long time since I've blogged. Sorry folks, I honestly can't say where the time has gone. Let's see if I can get you caught up- consider this like the lightning round in Jeopardy. Quick, down and dirty, skimpy on the details. Only difference-none of the following will be in the form of a question because that just drives me nuts!

10 Year Reunion
Memory card corrupted, no download on earth could save them, still waiting on tech friend to pull through for me and save my memories.

Pumpkin Patch

Em holding the "bestest pumpkin ever"

Hay Ride!

Matching shirts. Cause that's how we roll.
With Holton and Parker

Our little family

Golf Outing-Em's first mini golf adventure on Emma/Mommy/Daddy Day
She had sooo much fun. Jeremy beat me, but just barely. I still think he cheated. Have I mentioned that we are way too competitive?!

Halloween-Razorback Style!

I wanted to do a Sleeping Beauty/Prince Phillip theme and Jeremy shot that one down. Said it was too creepy to have Seeley as Emma's love interest . . . way to pervert Halloween buddy and ruin it for everyone!!

There's also a Mickey Mouse 3rd Birthday to cover, but that one will just have to wait. Running out of time and the Turkey waits for no one . . .

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

dave and jenn said...

They are the cutest little Razorback fans ever!!!